Friday 16 June 2017

MATHS, Subtracting Tens, WK 7, T2

WALT: Subtracting Tens

For Numeracy this week I was learning how to subtract in tens and to show my working out.
First I took 50 away from 79, which equals 29
Next it was 29 - 6 ones
ANSWER - $23

This week for maths I found it quite easy to take away the tens first and then count backwards the left over ones.



WALT: Adding more information and making my sentences bigger.

SENTENCE 1: Describing Mrs P
Mrs Prendergast, is very frenley and she loves it wen the class gets on weth there work.
Mrs P is 44 years old. She is short, and has two sisters that are taller than her. Her hair is short, it goes to her shoulders, it is brown and a bit curley. She has an oval face and likes to wear makeup, and lip gloss. Her teeth are all real and have changed to a yellowy colour since having children. She has pale coloured skin. She has pretty daisy earring in her ears.
Mrs P has long fingers with a ring on her finger that she got for her 16th birthday, and she is married so she has a beautiful diamond ring. Today  she  is wering black  jeans     

And Greeny Coloured  top with three quarter sleeve.

For this piece of writing I liked learning new describing words, it was fun describing my teacher. Next time I would like to work harder on my spelling and I could add information on her type of personality to really bring her character to life.
I found it hard because we had to find out so much information about her.

Saturday 10 June 2017